
UERSA home


Executive Committee

Facilities available for Retired Staff

Forthcoming Events and Calendar

Newsletters and Archives

Picture Gallery


General Notes and Contacts
Table Tennis
Music and Opera
Theatre and Shows


The Association came into being in October 2004.

Membership Information

Membership of the Association is open to all retired employees and retired former employees of the University, in all categories, including semi-retired employees. Joint membership with spouse or partner is also available at no extra cost.

(Associate membership is open to those, along with their spouse or partner, who have retired from a university other than Exeter and are resident in or near Exeter. Associate members may participate in any of the activities of the Association but may not hold office or vote at General Meetings. Please indicate on the Membership form if you wish to apply for this type of membership.)


Membership Application Form (.pdf file)

2024/2025 Membership Renewal Form (.docx file)

Members and Associate Members pay an annual subscription, currently £6. A Membership application form can be dowloaded as a pdf file from the link on the right. Please note the University requirement to only accept payments by bank transfer. The form also contains a list of our Special Interest Groups, so please indicate if you are interested in participating in any of them.

If you are renewing your Membership, please use the form on the Renewal link.

General Information

Various general social events take place throughout the year, including a Coffee Morning on the last Tuesday of most months. There are also a number of Special Interest Groups who organize more specific activities.

Currently the Association's membership includes very few retired members of staff based in Cornwall as its activities tend to be focused on the Exeter area and its Devon surroundings. However, special group outings do take members from time to time into Cornwall and UERSA would welcome an interest from potential Cornwall colleagues in extending its activities in the Duchy.

For contacts and further information, please follow the links on the left.

We have a policy document explaining our obligations under data protection legislation. See the information below.

What's New

The January Newsletter (No. 62) has now been circulated. It contains an informative mix of UERSA general news and Group reports. Articles about the University also feature. Thanks to David C-C for another sparkling edition. It can be downloaded from this link.

GENERAL EVENTS - please see the Forthcoming Events page for details

Bruce has organised the dates for this year's first two Coffee Mornings. A copy of his email is on the Events page.

Our Annual Quiz will take place on 12th March at 2:30 pm, at the ECC pavilion. Full information from David B is on the Events page.

GROUP ACTIVITIES - for details please follow the Group links on the left

The Photography Group 'Garden Fences' competition winners have been decided, and can be seen on the Group page. The next competiton subject is 'Patterns'.

Anne has booked dates up to May for Table Tennis Group indoor sessions in 2025.

The Winter programme for the Walking Group is now available, and a summary is on the Group page.

The University of Exeter Retired Staff Association ('UERSA') is committed to protecting the data it holds of its members, working in accordance with relevant data protection legislation. Members' data is used solely for UERSA activities. This policy document (a pdf file) explains how UERSA processes and uses the personal data it collects.
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